Temporary closure of beach camping zone 8 for dingo management

Closure status: A facility or feature within the park is closed

Park or facility closure
24 May to 1 October 2024
24 May 2024 4:48pm

This alert applies to the following park:

Beach camping zone 8 (Marloo, Ocean Lake and Duling) located between Orchid Beach and Ngkala Rocks is temporarily closed from 10 June to 13 September due to increased threatening dingo activity in the area.

This closure is necessary to reduce negative dingo interactions and allow for ongoing monitoring and dingo management.

For people with camping bookings over this closure period a booking change or refund will be available via the online booking system at www.qld.gov.au/camping.

Alternative camping may be available at Waddy Point Top (fenced) camping area and beach camping zone 7 (Wyuna and Burad). See link for a full list of wongari deterrent fenced camping areas on K’gari.

Visitors are reminded to keep children within arm’s reach and never attempt to feed or touch wongari. These are wild animals and can quickly become aggressive. On-the-spot fines of $2,476.80 apply for anyone caught feeding or disturbing dingoes anywhere on K’gari.

All dingo interactions should be reported to QPWS rangers in person, by emailing dingo.ranger@des.qld.gov.au or phoning (07) 4127 9150. Where possible take note of location, vehicle registration, dingo ear tag colour, number and which ear.

Observe all signage, barriers and directions from rangers and do not enter closed areas.

Please monitor park alerts on the department's website for updated information.

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