Legal Requirements

The Nature Conservation Act 1992, Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 and Forestry Act 1959.

When visiting Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) managed areas (includes national parks, regional parks, state forest and recreation areas) the following requirements must be observed.

For the purposes of this information sheet the term “ranger” refers to Authorised Officers, Forest Officers and Conservation Officers.


  • A camping permit must be obtained prior to camping.
  • Immediately after making camp your permit tag must be displayed for the duration of your stay for certification by a ranger.
  • A vehicle access permit must be obtained when visiting K’gari (Fraser Island), Bribie and Moreton Islands and Cooloola Recreation Area.
  • Vehicle Access Permit details must be clearly displayed on your vehicle for inspection by rangers.

Plants and animals

  • Animals (including domestic pets) are not permitted in national parks. This does not apply to Guide Dogs or horses permitted on horse trails in national park (recovery).
  • In areas where dogs are permitted they must be kept on a leash and under control at all times.
  • All plants, animals and natural and cultural resources are protected and must not be disturbed or damaged.
  • Plants and plant material (other than food) must not be taken into a protected area, State forest or forest reserve without written authority.

Rubbish, pollution and human waste

  • Rubbish must be deposited in bins provided. Where there are no bins, rubbish must be removed from the area.
  • Rubbish must not be buried or left in fireplaces.
  • Pollution of a dam, lake or watercourse is prohibited. (e.g. use of soap, detergents or shampoo, oil and grease, washing of clothing or cooking utensils).
  • In camping areas without toilet facilities, human waste must be buried at least 50cm deep, at least 50 metres from any lakes, watercourses, walking tracks, camp sites or public facilities.

Fires and appliances

  • Fires are only permitted in existing QPWS constructed fireplaces. Fires must be extinguished when unattended.
  • Firewood must not be collected.
  • Appliances such as axes can only be used to split firewood or drive tent pegs.
  • Machetes are not permitted in a protected area, State forest or forest reserve.


  • Vehicles must have current registration and third party insurance and be driven by a licensed driver.
  • Vehicles and bicycles must remain on constructed roads, parking areas or routes and thoroughfares officially designated for vehicle use. Normal road rules apply.

Conditions of permit

In order to proceed with your permit purchase you must accept the conditions of permit, as well as any Park Specific conditions. You should also be aware of your Legal Requirements.

  • Your campsite may be occupied from 2pm on the first day of camping and must be vacated by 11am on the last day.
  • In most instances a refund will not be issued. Please refer to the Camping and vehicle permit refund policy.

Once your payment has been confirmed, please obtain your receipt then return to your account via the Return to online service link to obtain your booking item reference and to download and print your permit tag(s).

Condition of Vehicle Access Permit - Bribie Island Recreation Area

Access to the Bribie Island Recreation Area is by 4WD vehicle only. 2WD vehicles, trailbikes and motorbikes are prohibited in the recreation area.