Camper Hygiene

1 February 2024 to 6 March 2025
1 February 2022 8:47am
15 May 2024 10:10am

This alert applies to the following park:

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) reminds campers of the need to maintain high personal hygiene standards whilst camping in the Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area.

QPWS would like to remind all visitors to maintain high personal hygiene, including washing hands frequently with soap and water, particularly after visiting the toilet, when preparing food and before eating and after visiting waste disposal and water point sites.

For the health and wellbeing of our park visitors and staff, and to limit the spread of illness visitors are recommended to:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water, especially before preparing food, eating and after going to the toilet (viral and bacterial stomach illnesses are not prevented with alcohol-based sanitisers).
  • Ensure all campers have a personal towel for hand drying.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue.
  • Ensure your campsite is located away from other tents.
  • Where possible, bring your own portable toilet (mandatory for Pelican Bay and Dorrigo South camping areas)
  • Keep your rubbish secure and dispose in bins provided or take home.
  • Stay at home if you or any members of your group are unwell.
  • Keep a personal supply of drinking and washing water during your stay. 

Check Park Alerts regularly for updates on current park conditions.


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