Safety during extreme weather

Queensland’s national parks and forests are wild places and are no place to be during an extreme weather event. You are responsible for your own safety.

  • For all emergencies call Triple Zero (000).
  • In some locations, help may be hours away.
  • Do not assume that you will be informed or evacuated.
  • Always:
    • Read and heed warning signs.
    • Obey closure signs.

    Stay informed to stay safe

    • Regularly check the Bureau of Meteorology, park alerts and local news.
    • Postpone your trip or change your destination if dangerous conditions are forecast.
    • When booking camping, make sure you provide current contact details so you can be notified of park closures.


    • If planning a visit, check all of the links below before setting out and be prepared to cancel or postpone your trip.
    • In very high fire danger conditions, tracks and other areas may be closed. It is essential for your safety to follow instructions on signs in these conditions.
    • If you see an unattended bushfire, call Triple Zero (000) and report the fire as soon as possible.
    • Avoid bushwalking on days of severe, extreme or catastrophic fire danger, or if there is smoke or fire in the area.
    • Fires can happen anywhere at any time.
      • On dry windy days if smoke is coming towards you, you are in immediate danger.
      • If you see smoke, do not continue walking towards it.
    • If caught near a fire while walking:
      • Immediately move to a safer place, such as cleared or low fuel areas.
      • Select a refuge from radiant heat, such as culverts, depressions, large rocks, or wheel ruts. Dams, rivers and running streams are a suitable refuge but DO NOT seek shelter in water tanks.
      • Use the remaining time to improve your refuge. Excavate a depression, mounding dirt on the side of the approaching fire. Clear all debris and fire fuel away from your refuge.
      • Lay in the depression and cover yourself with a blanket (if available), earth or sand to offer a little more protection from radiant heat.

    Tropical cyclones

    • Tropical cyclones produce destructive winds, heavy rainfall that causes flooding, and damaging storm surges.
    • Parks in the predicted path of a tropical cyclone will be closed to the public.
    • The unpredictable nature of cyclones may mean you are evacuated, but no cyclone eventuates.
    • Parks may remain closed after a cyclone until the area can be made safe again.


    • If it’s flooded, forget it!
      • River and creek levels can rise suddenly and without warning.
      • Never drive, ride, walk or try to swim through floodwaters or across fast-flowing creek crossings.
      • Floodwaters can take days or weeks to recede.
      • When a flood warning is issued, carefully consider your situation and take the most appropriate action—sometimes you will need to leave quickly or find higher ground and wait out the flood—to ensure your safety.

    Severe storms and strong winds

    • Storms and strong winds can appear rapidly and without warning.
    • Seek shelter and avoid trees and powerlines.
    • Protect yourself from flying debris.


    • A tsunami is a series of waves caused by disturbances in the ocean.
    • Tsunami warnings are categorised into three levels.
    • If you receive a warning, follow the instructions provided.

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