Declared Fish Habitat Area summary – Seventeen Seventy - Round Hill

Seventeen Seventy - Round Hill declared Fish Habitat Area

Seventeen Seventy - Round Hill declared Fish Habitat Area


Round Hill Creek, near the town of Seventeen Seventy.

Plan number

FHA-018 (PDF, 459.1KB)


1,480 ha
1,021 ha management A
459 ha management B

Management level

A and B

Declaration dates

19 November 1983 (original declarations)
13 August 1999 (redeclared to cadastral boundaries and to combine Seventeen Seventy and Round Hill FHAs)

Local government

Gladstone Regional Council

Management features

Important recruitment area for mud crab, whiting, mullet and bream fishery; conservation, protection and management of essential fish habitat; mud crab and commercial fish species; designated mooring area.

Habitat values

Extensive mangrove stands along estuary (comprised of Avicennia, Aegiceras, Excoecaria and Rhizophora species); seagrass beds (Zostera) and patches of saltmarsh around mouth of Round Hill Creek; saltmarsh (samphire) and claypan; deltaic areas; bar; island-banks.

Fisheries values

Commercial, recreational and Indigenous fisheries significance; barramundi; bream; estuary cod; flathead; garfish; mangrove jack; sea mullet; tailor; whiting; blue salmon; grey mackerel; grunter; jewfish; king salmon; queenfish; school mackerel; mud crabs; banana and tiger prawns.

Unique features

Round Hill Creek is the only creek in the region from Tannum Sands to Round Hill Head where golden mangrove fern, Acrostichum speciosum, occurs and one of two creeks supporting the white-flowered black mangrove (Lumnitzera racemosa). Lies adjacent and within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

Other values

Popular area for recreation.