Policies and code of practice
Please note: The Fisheries Regulation 2008 was replaced by the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019 on 1 September 2019. This resulted in changes to the structure of the legislation (including section numbers) and some minor wording changes to the declared FHA provisions. There has been no change to the intent of the legislation for declared FHAs. A review of the policies is currently underway, which will include updating references to the new fisheries legislation and its provisions. The policies will be replaced with revised versions as they are completed. Until then, the existing policies listed below continue to apply.
Declared fish habitat area (FHA) policies document management objectives for assessing development proposals and detail selection, assessment and consultation procedures for declared FHAs.
Management of declared fish habitat areas
This policy defines activities that are subject to declared FHA management, and provides an interpretation of fisheries legislation in relation to declared FHA boundaries and specific works permissible within declared FHAs.
Fish habitat area selection, assessment, declaration and review
This policy provides a framework for the selection, assessment, declaration and reviews of FHAs in Queensland.
Code of practice
Certain ‘non-development’ activities may be permitted in a declared FHA if done in accordance with a code of practice. No approval is required for these activities; however, pre-works notification is required.
A code of practice is in place for pest management activities in declared FHAs.