Declared Fish Habitat Area Network Strategy

Corio Bay declared Fish Habitat Area, central Queensland

Corio Bay declared Fish Habitat Area, central Queensland

Declared Fish Habitat Areas (FHAs) are one of the types of protected areas managed by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. These areas protect important fish habitats from coastal development impacts, while still allowing legal fishing.

The Declared Fish Habitat Area Network Strategy 2015–2020 (PDF, 3.8MB) released on 19 February 2016, set the direction for the future of Queensland’s declared FHA network. The department has completed its review of the 2015–2020 strategy, and an updated strategy is currently being prepared. Until the new strategy is finalised, this document is still operational.

The strategic objectives for management of the declared FHA network fall into three broad initiatives:

  • consolidate the declared FHA network
  • reinforce declared FHA management
  • strengthen declared FHA policy.

These initiatives contribute to the Master Plan for Queensland’s Parks and Forests and align with the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community for protecting the environment.