Barron Gorge National Park Tropical North Queensland

Photo credit: © Queensland Government

About Barron Gorge

    Park features

    Barron Gorge National Park extends from the coastal lowlands to the elevated regions of the Atherton Tableland and features rugged mountain scenery, tropical rainforests, diverse wildlife and a fascinating history. The park lies within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

    Barron Falls, Queensland, is a major feature of the park.

    Barron Falls, Queensland, is a major feature of the park.

    Photo credit: © Tourism Queensland

    The Barron River dominates the park. Rising from the rainforests of Mount Hypipamee National Park, the river winds 60km across the Atherton Tableland through one of Australia's highest rainforest belts. The river then enters the deeply incised Barron Gorge, which forms a rugged, twisting trough between the Macalister and Lamb ranges. The river falls 250m onto the narrow coastal lowlands and flows to the Coral Sea, just north of the Cairns Airport. During the wetter months, floodwaters regularly create a spectacular sight at Barron Falls.

    The park is part of the traditional lands of the Djabugandji Bama (local Aboriginal people) who maintain a close spiritual connection with this country. Before Europeans arrived, Bama traversed this country, developing trails linking the coast to the uplands. These historic trails now form sections of a walking track network.

    The park features lush, often mist-shrouded, tropical rainforest.

    The park features lush, often mist-shrouded, tropical rainforest.

    Photo credit: © Tourism Queensland

    Looking after the park

    • Domestic animals are not permitted in national parks. Leave all pets at home.
    • Rubbish bins are not provided—take rubbish with you when you leave.
    • Do not remove plant material, living or dead.
    • Avoid interfering with, or feeding, native animals.
    • Do not fossick in, take from, or cause damage to cultural sites.
    • Remember that fishing is not allowed.

    See the guidelines on caring for parks for more information about protecting our environment and heritage in parks.

    Myrtle rust

    Myrtle rust—a fungal disease affecting many native plants—has been found in Barron Gorge National Park. The disease poses a significant threat to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. Follow these guidelines to help prevent its spread:

    • Do not collect or move plant material, living or dead.
    • Always stay on walking track to reduce contact with infected plants.
    • Avoid contact with infected plants as this may spread spores.
    • Go clean—clean your vehicle and hiking equipment (including clothes and footwear) when you leave the park, or as soon as you arrive home. Remove soil, leaves and mud and clean with water and detergent.

    Learn more about myrtle rust and how to minimise its spread.

    Park management

    Barron Gorge National Park is managed by the Traditional Owners, the Djabugay people, and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS). Read the description of the park's nature, culture and history for more information about the native title determination of the park. This national park is part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

    Tourism information links

    Spectacularly flowering flame tree in the rainforest.

    Spectacularly flowering flame tree in the rainforest.

    Photo credit: Greg Watson

    Kuranda Visitor Information Centre
    Tropical North Queensland - Kuranda
    Coondoo Street, Kuranda QLD 4881
    ph (07) 4093 9311

    Skyrail Rainforest Cableway
    ph (07) 4038 5555

    Kuranda Scenic Railway
    Bunda Street, Cairns QLD 4870
    ph 1800 577 245

    For tourism information for all regions in Queensland see Queensland Holidays.