About Conway
Park features
The park spans approximately 75km of coastline, taking in the entire Cape Conway peninsula, and includes the rainforest-clad Conway Range which protects the largest area of lowland tropical rainforest in Queensland outside Tropical North Queensland. Hoop pines grow on coastal ridges and in damp gullies, emerging above the rainforest canopy. Rugged, steep, rocky cliffs provide a spectacular 35km-long backdrop to the Whitsunday Passage and islands.
Rising steeply behind busy coastal settlements the Conway Range appears impenetrable. Through climate fluctuations over tens of thousands of years, the rainforest has persisted here, providing a continuous refuge for wildlife.
Dry vine thicket, mangroves, open forests with a grasstree understorey, paperbark and pandanus woodlands, and patches of lowland rainforest with twisted vines are features of the parks coastal section. It is home to 2 of Australia's mound-building birds, the Australian brush-turkey and the orange-footed scrubfowl.
The parks vegetation is very similar to that on the Whitsunday islands because thousands of years ago the sea level rose, flooding coastal valleys and creating the islands. Today the adjacent waters are protected in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
For generations the Gia and Ngaro Peoples have maintained a deep sense of responsibility for this place and continue to care deeply for the Conway Range and peninsula, and adjoining islands.
Looking after the park
Parks and forests protect Queensland's wonderful natural diversity and scenery. Please help keep these places special during your stay.
- Respect First Nation Peoples culture. The Conway Range represents thousands of years of living culture of special significance to the Gia and Ngaro Peoples. Please respect their traditional and spiritual connection to this special place.
- Protect the wildlife. Remember, all plants and animals (dead or alive) are protected, leave them undisturbed.
- Leave your pets at home. Dogs and other domestic animals are not permitted in Conway National Park and Conway Conservation Park.
- Stay on the marked trails. Do not short cut or form new tracks as this will cause erosion and damage the environment.
- Keep the trails in good condition. Avoid riding on soft, wet and muddy trails during or immediately after wet weather.
- Trailbikes and scooters are not permitted in Conway National Park or Conway Conservation Park.
- Leave no rubbish. Rubbish bins are not provided. Do not bury rubbish—bag it and take it with you when you leave. You can dispose of it at Airlie Beach.
- Use toilets where provided. If toilets are not available bury all faecal matter and toilet paper at least 15cm deep and 100m from trails, camp sites and waterways. Take nappies and sanitary products home with you for disposal.
- Camp at designated camp sites only. Leave your camp site better than you found it.
- Wash dishes at least 50m from creeks and streams. Do not use detergents, toothpaste or soap in the waterways.
- Camp fires are prohibited. Use a fuel stove for cooking.
- Be considerate of others. People visit parks and forests to experience and appreciate nature and the peace it offers.
- Help stop the spread of pests and pathogens. Ensure your shoes, bikes (in particular the tyres), clothes and all equipment are clean and free of seeds, soil and insects (including ants and their eggs) before arriving.
Park management
Conway National Park's size and undeveloped nature makes it a very significant wilderness area. The park extends north along the coastline to the tip of Cape Conway. It is managed to protect regional ecosystems and species of conservation significance, and to protect and conserve the area’s natural, cultural and aesthetic values for generation to come.
QPWS is responsible for managing Conway National Park, Conway Conservation Park and Conway West Conservation Park under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. These areas are carefully monitored to protect the natural and cultural values of the parks.
The Great Barrier Reef, which is part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, lies just off Conway National Park's coast and is managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
See Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park for more detailed zoning information.
Tourism information links
Whitsunday Visitor Information Centre (Whitsunday Gold Coffee Plantation)
12505 Bruce Highway, Proserpine Qld 4800
Ph +61 7 4945 3967
Email: info@tourismwhitsundays.com.au
Bowen ‘Big Mango’ Visitor Information Centre
Lot 236 Bruce Highway, Bowen South, Qld 4805
Ph (07) 4786 4222
Email: info@bowentourism.com.au
Whitsunday Regional Council
Shop 23 Whitsunday Plaza, Cannonvale
Ph: 1300 972 753
Email: info@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au
For tourism information for all regions in Queensland see Queensland Holidays.
- There are currently no park alerts for this park.