Dryander National Park Whitsundays

Photo credit: © Sarah Haskmann

Things to do

    Relax and enjoy nature in this peaceful coastal retreat. Check with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) for advice on activities permitted in the adjacent marine park waters.

    Camping and accommodation


    Camping is permitted at Grimston Point only. Pit toilets and picnic tables are provided but visitors should be totally self-sufficient. Camping permits are required and fees apply.

    Other accommodation

    A wide range of accommodation is available in Airlie Beach. See tourism information links for more information.


    The adjacent waters of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park offer boating and fishing opportunities.

    Marine park zoning regulations protect the inter-tidal zone and waters surrounding Dryander National Park. Zoning regulations specify how you can use particular sites and the permits you might require. For detailed information on activities such as fishing and crabbing, consult the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority zoning map. Maps are available from Queensland Fisheries offices, bait and tackle shops, Queensland Parks and Wildlife (QPWS) offices and online at GBRMPA.

    Minimum size and maximum bag limits apply to popular fish species. Queensland fisheries legislation applies in zones where fishing is permitted. See Queensland Fisheries for more information.

    • There are currently no park alerts for this park.