Errk Oykangand National Park (CYPAL) Tropical North Queensland

Things to do

    A brolga standing in a lagoon

    Brolgas frequent the many permanent and semi-permanent lagoons.

    Photo credit: Queensland Government

    Camping and accommodation


    Camping is not permitted in Errk Oykangand National Park (CYPAL).

    Other accommodation

    A public campground is available just outside the park. Permits are required. Contact the Kowanyama Aboriginal Land and Natural Resources Management Office on (07) 4083 7154 or email

    There is also a guest house in Kowanyama about 32km from Errk Oykangand National Park (CYPAL), phone (07) 4060 5195.

    For more information, see the tourism information links.

    Picnic and day-use areas

    A picnic on the banks of the Mitchell River (near Shelfo Crossing) is a good rest break while travelling through the park. No facilities are provided.

    Viewing wildlife

    Errk Oykangand National Park (CYPAL) offers opportunities to see wildlife in a natural environment as the park is home to over 300 species of plants and animals. Seasonal flooding of the Mitchell and Alice rivers refills the many permanent and semi-permanent lakes and lagoons scattered throughout the park. Brolgas and sarus cranes wander through the waterlilies, searching for sedge tubers, while in the distance, white-bellied sea-eagles and whistling kites soar high above, searching for their next meal.

    See the description of the park’s natural environment for more details about the parks diverse wildlife.