Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park and Moreton Island Recreation Area Quandamooka Country Brisbane

National park management with traditional owners

Mulgumpin’s national park and recreation area is jointly managed between the island’s traditional owners and native title holders, the Quandamooka People, and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Photo credit: © Bianca Holderness

Gheebulum Kunungai – ‘lightnings’ playground’

Mulgumpin’s national park was renamed in 2021 to Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park to reflect its strong cultural and historical significance. Gheebulum Kunungai means ‘lightnings’ playground’ in the language of the Quandamooka people. Photo credit: istock

Review of protected area management plan

The long-term plan for managing and conserving the natural and cultural values of Mulgumpin’s protected areas, including the national park and recreation area, is currently under review. Read more about this process and how you can keep informed. Photo credit: © Tourism and Events Queensland

Native title on Mulgumpin

Find out more information and background about native title on Mulgumpin held by the Quandamooka People, the island’s traditional owners and custodians. Photo credit: Maxime Coquard © Tourism and Events Queensland

Bookings and permits

Permits to drive or camp in Mulgumpin’s recreation area are booked and managed through Mulgumpin Camping. Photo credit: © Bianca Holderness

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