About Minerva Hills
Park features
Spectacular jagged peaks provide a scenic backdrop to this Central Queensland national park. Formed by volcanic activity millions of years ago, Mount Boorambool and cliff-fringed Mount Zamia dominate the landscape today.
Visit the iconic Virgin Rock situated on Mount Zamia. Its name is derived from the figure appearing in the town-facing side of the rock that looks like the Virgin Mary cradling the baby Jesus. See if you can spot these figures at night time when Virgin Rock is floodlit for all to see.
In the grassy open woodlands mountain coolibahs, silver-leaved ironbarks and gum-topped bloodwoods tower over macrozamias and grasstrees. Dry rainforest featuring figs, stinging trees, pittosporums and vines flourishes in sheltered gorges and at the base of the sheer cliffs.
Spinifex grasslands dotted with wattles grow on the mountain summits. The park also supports spotted gum forests and low-lying heath.
Stone scatters and rock art are historical evidence of the Kariai people who lived in the surrounding area, which included the site of Springsure, at the time Europeans settled the area.
Looking after the park
Parks and forests protect Queensland's wonderful natural diversity and scenery. Please help keep these places special during your stay.
- Leave everything as you find it. Walk softly and remember that plants and animals (dead or alive) are protected in national parks.
- Keep wildlife wild—never feed native animals. Our food scraps affect their health and cause them to harass visitors and other animals.
- Fires are permitted only in designated fireplaces. Bring your own clean, milled timber for use as firewood—bush wood brought into protected areas can introduce weeds and pests. Collecting wood in the park is prohibited.
- Leave no rubbish. Rubbish bins are not provided. Do not bury rubbish—take it with you when you leave.
- Respect Indigenous culture. Indigenous sites represent thousands of years of living culture. They are easily damaged and irreplaceable. Look, but do not touch.
- Take care not to bring weed seeds into the park on shoes or tyres.
See the guidelines on caring for parks for more information about protecting our environment and heritage in parks.
Park management
The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) manages Minerva Hills National Park for the enjoyment of visitors and the conservation of our natural and cultural heritage.
The national park will be managed in accordance with the Minerva Hills National Park Management Plan .
Tourism information links
Central Highlands Visitor Information Centre
Clermont St, Emerald
ph (07) 4982 4142
fax (07) 4982 1211
email emerald@capricorntourism.com.au
The Spire Visitor Information Centre
Gladstone Rd, Rockhampton
ph (07) 4927 2055 or 1800 676 701
fax (07) 4922 2605
email infocentre@capricorntourism.com.au
For tourism information for all regions in Queensland see Queensland Holidays.
- There are currently no park alerts for this park.