Shoalwater Bay Conservation Park Capricorn

Shoalwater Bay Conservation Park Photo credit: Queensland Government

Things to do

    Camping and accommodation

    Shoalwater Bay Conservation Park is 18kms south, south-east of Stanage Bay. Access to the park is by boat only good weather.

    Boating and Fishing

    The adjacent waters offer ample boating and fishing opportunities. Refer to a marine zoning map before you set out. Zoning regulations specify how you can use particular sites and the permits you might require. For detailed information on activities such as fishing and crabbing, consult the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority zoning map. Maps are available from Queensland Fisheries, bait and tackle shops, and online at Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

    Fisheries regulations apply—information on bag and size limits, restricted species and seasonal closures is available from Fisheries Queensland.

    Enjoy your time in Shoalwater Bay Conservation Park and remember follow the Queensland Parks and forests boat and fish with care guidelines and to check park alerts before you visit.

    • There are currently no park alerts for this park.