Declared Fish Habitat Area summary - Deception Bay

Mud flats of the Deception Bay declared Fish Habitat Area

Mud flats of the Deception Bay declared Fish Habitat Area


Caboolture River and foreshore south to Deception Bay.

Plan number

FHA-013 (PDF, 3.4MB) (Revision 3)


1,490.04 ha
1,488.46 ha management A
1.58 ha management B

Management level

A and B

Declaration dates

23 January 1969 (original declaration)
24 July 1998 (redeclared to cadastral boundaries)
11 November 2011 (revised to add adjoining fish habitats)
21 December 2012 (revised to allow essential public infrastructure)
17 March 2017 (redeclared an area at Cundoot Creek to management B to allow road bridge construction to meet Planning and Environment Court and road safety requirements)

Local government

City of Moreton Bay

Management features

Estuarine and bay habitats supporting commercial, recreational and Indigenous fisheries in close proximity to developed areas.

Habitat values

Shoreline mangrove woodlands (dominated by Avicennia) with sandy-mud foreshores adjacent to tidal flats, creek beds dominated by mangroves (Avicennia and Aegiceras species), samphire flats around the mouths of Caboolture River and Burpengary Creek, extensive sand and mud intertidal flats, seasonal seagrass beds.

Fisheries values

Important juvenile finfish and crustacean area; local recreational crab fishery; Australian bass; bream; blue salmon; estuary cod; flathead; garfish; jewfish; luderick; mangrove jack; sea mullet; tailor; whiting; mud and sand crabs; banana, school, greasyback and bay prawns.

Unique features

Lies within the Moreton Bay Ramsar wetland.

Other values

None presently identified.