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Declared Fish Habitat Area summary - Moreton Banks

Seagrass beds, Moreton Banks
South-western side of Moreton Island, south from Tangalooma Point, 30 km east/north-east of Brisbane.
Plan number
6,318 ha
Management level
Declaration dates
23 January 1969 (original declaration)
24 July 1998 (redeclared to cadastral boundaries)
Local government
Brisbane City Council
Management features
Conservation and fisheries management of extensive oyster grounds adjacent to settlement and access centre on southern end of Moreton Island; protection of seagrass for prawn habitat.
Habitat values
Offshore mangroves (including Avicennia); sandy substrates with light/dense seagrass beds (Zostera and Halophila) and clear waters; offshore mangrove island and natural deep (up to 7m) hole present.
Fisheries values
Public oyster grounds; established recreational and commercial fisheries; bream; cobia; blue salmon; estuary cod; flathead; garfish; jewfish; luderick; mangrove jack; school mackerel; sea mullet; snapper; spotted mackerel; tailor; whiting; mud and sand crabs; banana, bay and eastern king prawns; oysters.
Unique features
Lies within the Moreton Bay Ramsar wetland.
Other values
Most important dugong habitat in Moreton Bay, marine turtle habitat.