Juwun and Jambal walks, Wet Tropics Great Walk Townsville | Tropical North Queensland

About Juwun and Jambal walks

Queensland National Parks Booking System Update

The new Queensland National Parks Booking Service is live for bookings.

Customers without a future booking, your account is created automatically when making your first booking.

Customers with a future booking, use your email address to reset your password to access your account.

Book now More information about the new booking system

    Walk highlights

    The Herbert River Gorge is a conduit between the Wet Tropics and the drier Einasleigh Uplands. The lower section of the gorge traverses the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

    Discover some of the region’s most diverse landscapes along the walks as the Wet Tropics gives way to tropical savanna woodland. Open forest dominates the escarpments and she-oaks line the river. Vine-thicket rainforest scattered with hoop pines persists along the gullies and upper slopes.

    Read more about the natural environment of the Juwun and Jambal walks.

    Walk management

    The Wet Tropics Great Walk is managed by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) for the purposes of nature conservation and nature-based recreation.

    A management plan for Girringun National Park will be produced in the future.

    Tourism information links

    Ravenshoe Visitor Centre
    24 Moore Street
    Ravenshoe QLD 4888
    ph (07) 4097 7700
    email ravenshoevc@trc.qld.gov.au

    For tourism information for all regions in Queensland see Queensland Holidays.