Olkola National Park (CYPAL) Tropical North Queensland

Creek line in Olkola National Park (CYPAL) Photo credit: © Francis Malcolm

About Olkola National Park (CYPAL)

    Park features

    Eight Mile Creek in flood.

    Eight Mile Creek in flood.

    Photo credit: Chayne Struckel © Queensland Government

    Olkola National Park (CYPAL) is known for its vast landscape and freshwater systems.

    The landscape of Olkola National Park (CYPAL) is very significant to the Olkola People. Sites associated with occupation, ceremonies and stories of ancestral spirits occur throughout the park.

    Looking after the park

    Please help Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Rangers and the Olkola Aboriginal Corporation Rangers protect the park:

    • Camping is currently not permitted in the park.
    • The use of firearms and chainsaws is prohibited in national parks.
    • Leave pets at home; domestic animals are not permitted in national parks.
    • Bury human waste and toilet paper at least 15cm deep and 100m from roads and watercourses.
    • Do not collect souvenirs or interfere with cultural sites.
    • Do not interfere with, or feed, native animals.
    • Do not remove plant material, living or dead.
    • When driving or trail-bike riding, stay on the formed roads—off-road trail-bike riding and four-wheel driving is not allowed.
    • Roads in national parks are the same as any other public road in Queensland. All vehicles, except those exempted by law, must be registered. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service does not give permission for conditionally registered vehicles (e.g. quad bikes) to be used recreationally by individuals. In many places it is not legally possible to issue a permit.
    • Do not access roads and tracks that are closed for management purposes.
    • Riders and drivers must be licensed and vehicles must be road registered.
    • Surveillance cameras may be used to monitor visitor behaviour and movements throughout the park. On-the-spot fines may also apply.
    • Limit the spread of weeds by ensuring clothes, shoes, gear, bikes and vehicles are clean and free of seeds before arriving at the park.

    A Restricted Access Area (RAA) has been put in place over a section of Olkola National Park (CYPAL). Entry to the Nukakurra Restricted Access Area (PDF, 144.2KB) is prohibited.

    See the guidelines on caring for parks for more information about protecting the environment and heritage in parks.

    Park management

    Olkola National Park (CYPAL) is jointly managed by the Olkola Aboriginal Corporation and the Queensland Government in accordance with an Indigenous Management Agreement and other land management arrangements. Read more about the joint management of Cape York Peninsula National Parks.

    Tourism information links

    Nature's Powerhouse Visitor Information Centre
    Cooktown Botanic Gardens
    Cooktown QLD 4895
    Ph (07) 4069 6004
    Email info@naturespowerhouse.com.au

    For tourism information for all regions in Queensland see Queensland Holidays.