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Cape Melville National Park (CYPAL) Tropical North Queensland

Photo credit: Adam Creed © Queensland Government

Rugged yet beautiful, Cape Melville National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land (CYPAL)) features the rocky headlands of Cape Melville, impressive granite boulders of the Melville Range, sandy beaches of Bathurst Bay, sandstone escarpments and inland dunes.

Cape Melville National Park (CYPAL) is jointly managed by the Cape Melville, Flinders & Howick Islands Aboriginal Corporation and the Queensland Government in accordance with an Indigenous Management Agreement. Read more about joint management of Cape York Peninsula national parks.

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) and Cape Melville, Flinders and Howick Island Aboriginal Corporation, together with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority have developed a cultural awareness and protocol video for visiting Country respectfully.


On Cape York Peninsula, about 10hr drive (475km) north of Cairns.


The Traditional Owners—the Aba Yalgayi, Muli, Bagaarrmugu, Wurri, Manyamarr, Gambiilmugu and Yiirrku Aboriginal peoples—welcome visitors to their country and ask that you show respect for this powerful cultural place and do not disturb or damage any part of the landscape for your own safety and the health of the country.

Accessible by

  • 4WD

Learn moreGetting there

Park facilities

  • Campfires allowed (conditions apply)
  • Generators allowed (conditions apply)
  • No rubbish bins
  • Tent camping
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Trail bike riding
  • Walking

  • Traditional Owners and Queensland Government develop cultural protocol video for visiting Country.

    Traditional Owners and Queensland Government develop cultural protocol video for visiting Country.