Moreton Bay Marine Park Brisbane

Zoning Plan remake and review

The remade Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 came into effect on 1 September 2019. Photo credit: Queensland Government

Frequently asked questions

Navigating zones
Ensure you have a copy of the Moreton Bay Marine Park user guide (PDF, 13.6MB) . Zone boundaries are, where possible based on simple shapes with north/south and east/west bearings or natural features such as the edge of mangroves. Areas near the coast are aligned with landmarks where feasible. There are signs that mark many of the green zone boundaries.

GPS coordinates
A summary of the coordinates (XLS, 166.5KB) is available so that you can copy manually into your GPS software. In addition a number of  GPS equipment suppliers have products for purchase with current zoning and designated go slow areas within the Moreton Bay Marine Park.

What is one hook?
Refer to page 6 (PDF, 13.6MB) of the user guide. One hook includes a ganged hook set of up to 6 adjoined hooks.

Two lines and two hooks
In a conservation park (yellow) zone you are allowed 2 lines and a maximum of 2 hooks per angler, which means one line with 2 hooks or 2 lines with one hook on each line.

Fishing equipment allowed
There is no limit to the amount of rods and fishing equipment you can have in your boat in a green zone as long as the rods are in holders, or wholly inside the boat and the hooks are secured to the rod. In other words, it should be obvious that the equipment is not being used. Check Fisheries legislation for any additional equipment restrictions.

More than two rods in yellow zone
Any fishing equipment that can't be used while in a conservation park (yellow) zone must be stowed and secured in the boat. Similar to a green zone this means the additional rods are in holders, or wholly inside the boat and the hooks are secured to the rod.

Depth contours
In a 2m depth contour you must have at least 2m of water under the vessel at low tide and in a 5m depth you must have at least 5m of water under your vessel at low tide.

Reporting illegal activities
To report illegal activities in the marine park telephone 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

* Requires Microsoft Office files viewer

  • There are currently no park alerts for this park.

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Zone and designated area information for the Moreton Bay Marine Park and Great Sandy Marine Park.