Log in to your account
Queensland National Parks Booking System Update
The new Queensland National Parks Booking Service is live for bookings.
Customers without a future booking, your account is created automatically when making your first booking.Customers with a future booking, use your email address to reset your password to access your account.
Book a camping area Book a vehicle access permit More information about the new booking system
After you make a booking, you will receive a confirmation email, including relevant permit tags. You can access your account to view, modify and/or cancel your bookings using the ‘manage my bookings’ link in this email.

Existing customer – log in for first time
Go to qld.gov.au/camping and click ‘account’ and ‘sign in’ on the landing page.

1. Click ‘forgot your password’.

2. Enter your username (same email address you use with our booking service) and click ‘reset my password’. An email with a system-generated verification code will be sent to your nominated email. Check your Junk/Spam folder if the email hasn’t arrived in your inbox.

3. Enter the verification code from your email in ‘code’. Note: manually type in your verification code to avoid hidden spaces.
4. Create a ‘new password’. Your password must be 8 characters or more (with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters). Confirm new password by re-entering in ‘enter new password again’ field. Click ‘change password’.

See ‘how to make a booking’ for more information on making, modifying and cancelling bookings.
Existing customer login
1. Go to qld.gov.au/camping and click ‘account’ and ‘sign in’ on the landing page.

2. Enter your ‘username’ (email address) and ‘password’ on the login screen and click ‘sign in’.

To confirm you’re logged in, click ‘account’ and ‘view reservations’ and ‘sign out’ will be displayed.

If you are unable to recall your password, please refer to the Recover Your Account guide.
New customer – first time account login
When you make a booking for the first time, an account is automatically generated from your email address. Your account can be accessed from the ‘manage my bookings’ link in your booking confirmation email.
1. Click on ‘manage my bookings’ in your booking confirmation email.

2. For a first-time login, you will be provided with a temporary password. Click ‘copy’ on the ‘system-generated password’ and then ‘login’.

3. On the login screen, enter your ‘username’ (email address) and paste or enter ‘temporary password’. Click ‘sign in’.
4. To reset your password, click on ‘account’ and then ‘view reservations’ to access ‘my account’.

5. Reset your password by clicking hamburger menu (3 lines) next to ‘my account’, then click ‘manage account’ and ‘login and security’.

6. Click ‘change my password’. A security code will be emailed to your email account and be valid for 10mins. Check your email Junk/Spam folders if the email hasn’t arrived in your inbox.

7. Enter verification code (with no space after numbers) and new password (following on-screen instructions for password criteria). Your password must be 8 characters or more (with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters).
Re-enter new password in ‘enter new password again’ field. Click ‘save changes’ and ‘ok’.