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Queensland National Parks Booking System Update

The new Queensland National Parks Booking Service is live for bookings.

Customer account login
If you are making your first booking since 1 July 2024, a new customer account will be created automatically as part of your next booking. Please note your previous login credentials will no longer be valid.

Customers who have made a booking after 1 July 2024, please use your email address to reset your password to access your account.

Book now More information about the new booking system

Sometimes the unexpected happens, and in an emergency event—like a bushfire or cyclone—it's critical we know how to contact you. We might also be carrying out maintenance activities, planned burns, or need to keep you up to date with any changes regarding your camping or vehicle access permit booking.  Keeping your profile up to date is easy; it helps us and helps you and your friends to have a safe and enjoyable time.

See log in to your account for instructions on how to access your account.

Updating personal details in account

1. Once logged in, click on ‘account’ and then ‘view reservations’ to access ‘my account’.

Screenshot of the account navigation with View Reservations circled

2. To update your personal details, click hamburger menu (3 lines) next to ‘my account’, then click ‘manage account’ and ‘personal details’.

Screenshot of My account with Manage account and Personal Details circled.

3. Your personal details will display for you to update as required. Note: you cannot change your email address, this is used to verify your account.

Note: personal details updated in your account will only be applied to future bookings. This will not automatically update contact details in pre-existing, upcoming bookings. You will need to view and update contact details for each of these (see below instructions).

Updating your contact details in all upcoming bookings is important so you can be contacted in case of an emergency or unexpected closures.

Updating contact details on upcoming bookings

1. Click on ‘account’ and then ‘view reservations’ to see all bookings.

Screenshot of the account navigation with View Reservations circled

You can also access this page by clicking on hamburger menu (3 lines) next to ‘my account’ and then ‘my bookings’.

Screenshot of My account with My bookings circled

2. To update your contact details in an upcoming booking, select ‘view bookings’ on the required booking. Then click ‘itinerary actions’ and ‘view/edit contact’.

Screenshot of My bookings with View Bookings circled against an individual itinerary listing

3. Then click ‘itinerary actions’ and ‘view/edit contact’.

Screenshot of the Itinerary actions dropdown expanded with view/edit contact circled

4. Update your details on the booking as required and click ‘save changes’. Note: your email address cannot be changed as we use this to verify your account.

Screenshot of Personal details screen in edit mode with Save Changes circled